Saturday, February 04, 2006

Quotes from some bright Young Entrepreneurs

Here are some of the brilliant quotes from bright young enterperneurs ..........

Taghaddos: "For a young entrepreneur, having good personal credit is one of the most important things. We wouldn't have gotten all the help from American Express or Bank of America without it."

"You just have to do it sometimes, and you'll figure it out later. We have a whole bunch of problems we file under, 'Problems that will be nice to have someday

When you're dealing in a business situation, it's helpful not to be the smartest person on your side of the table

"There's no substitute for determination, hard work, and a good idea."

"Do what you love to do. We spend the majority of our lifetime just working, so it doesn't make sense to do anything just for the money."

"Opportunity is everywhere, if you're only willing to see it."

If the basic concept of your business is to help people, the business will succeed."

The nature of entrepreneurship is that you never sit back and say, 'O.K., I can take it easy.' You're always pushing forward."

Do what you think is right, not what other people tell you is right. People have strong opinions about the way to do stuff. It's really good to listen and learn from the world, but when you're making something, it's coming from you."

If something doesn't feel right, then I just shouldn't do it. I follow my gut."

I've learned to have a bias toward action in everything that I do. The second biggest lesson: Always keep your ear to the ground and integrate your customers into your product-development efforts."

"Think of scalability in everything you do, and leverage smart work. Innovative ideas come from fresh minds and exploring new perspectives, so don't jump to conventional wisdom. And remember Richard Branson's code: 'Oh screw it, let's do it.'"

This is really motivating ...........


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